Postcard from Windermere

The holiday continues to go well and today we decided to walk from Crook to Windermere.  What a day it was!

We set off with our water bottles and small picnic, full of anticipation. We weren’t disappointed!  The weather was kind to us and we were able to take in the most beautiful of views.  It is not difficult to understand why William Wordsworth was so inspired by the Lake District.

In truth, the walk was longer than we expected, and we learned a few lessons along the way.  We luckily met a few experienced walkers who kindly put us back on the right path.

In hindsight, perhaps we should have taken more notice of the advice that the locals gave us in the pub last night …

Our anticipated leisurely 5 mile ramble turned into a glorious 10 mile feast for the senses, culminating in the prize that is Windermere.  Our first glimpses of the water were thrilling.  If you come here, be prepared to be asked ‘how may lakes do we have here?’  The answer is one.  Whilst the lake district has many bodies of water, only Lake Bassenthwaite has ‘lake’ in the name. Don’t be caught out!